Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Marathons and Werewolves.

This will have to be a quick blog, although I hate to rush posts. I'm about to head out of work to volunteer flyering for PSL's Mayoral Candidate, Frances Villar @ Broadway Junction (find out more about her at http://www.votepsl.org). I'll be documenting that, so I'm looking forward to it.

This past weekend was filled with activities including Chicken Grinding, Werewolf scares, and documenting misled marathon runners.

I had the privilege of taking two of my students to the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village. Unfortunately, it was a bit rained out, but the kids still had fun. I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked because I was supervising the whole time, but I did get a few of the kids documenting the parade themselves, which was great. I love watching kids with cameras -- getting them started early with visual expression is a goal of mine, which hopefully one day I will get to see the fruition of my efforts.

To protect their identities I'm only posting photos of the kids that have an unidentifiable quality to them.

Sunday morning while doing laundry I realized that the NYC marathon was happening right on my block, so I grabbed my camera and took a few shots. I got this one shot of an old man in a batman mask wearing a, "Barack Obama, President Forever," jersey. Must be inspired by, "Batman Forever," or something like that. Anyway, I know it's unpopular to dislike Barack, but I have more reasons than one to not be in his fan club. Not standing up for the Palestinian is enough reason for me to dislike a politician, but his stance on the escalating wars in the Middle East, Education, charter schools, and merit pay for teachers (and wanting us to work on Saturdays?!) is enough for me to use a photo of him for dart practice.


J. utilizing her point-and-shoot as a video camera during the Halloween Parade so she can show her family back at home.

I. pretending his Coke bottle is the steer to his ship. Halloween, 2009.

I was jealous of this baby's costume.

Scary werewolf that almost made me scream. :-O

A somewhat daunting message...shouldn't it be a wonderful thing, rather than something threatening? Subway, Halloween, 2009.

Chick & pals!

Enthused Batman Barack-Lover.

Families sit at the sidelines on 4th Avenue and 86th Street in Bay Ridge to cheer on the marathon runners.

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